Comic book challenge – Book 1 by Temujin

Taking time off crashing cars and running over pedestrians on GTA V, that only recently I had the chance to try out (and I’m hooked like a junkie on meth), I decided to accept my young co-writer Mekime’s challenge.

So today I read Death Ship, written in 2010 by  Gary Gerani and with artwork by Stuart Sayger and published by IDW.

991813The story revolves around the famous voyage by the Russian cargo ship Demeter, in the extremely well known Dracula, by Bram Stoker. Now, the voyage itself and the events that happened aboard said ship weren’t very detailed in the original book or in any of the movie adaptations, so my interest peaked when I read the synopsis.

Reading the book, set in 4 volumes, I have to admit I expected a little better. I’m not saying it’s not a good comic, but sometimes expectations have a way of getting the better of you. The storyline is ok, but sometimes I felt that they could be a little more detailed. The artwork is very good, but, I have to admit, I don’t think it was the right style for comic books. But then again, having grown up with Marvel and DC, I probably have bad habits! eheh

All in all, I’ll give it 3 stars out of 5. It’s a good idea, if not well explored, in my humble opinion. :p

See ya!!!!

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